
Biden Gives Remarks During Event In New Hampshire

President Biden took a trip out to New Hampshire for an event and decided to give some “advice” during a speech.

“by the way, I say to every young man thinking of getting married: Marry into a family of five or more daughters.  I did.  My wife is the oldest of five sisters.  You know why?  One of them will always love you. Not the same one.  One of them is always — be on your side.  That’s the biggest advantage of marrying into five daughters,” Biden said.

What does that even mean?

Biden also tried to talk about veterans services below is the transcript (note: the strikeouts are corrections the White House makes when Joe mispeaks we did not add them) :

Let me close with this.  After I signed the PACT into — PACT A- — lac- — Act into law, I handed the pen that I signed it with — which is a tradition to the most — person most responsible for the legislation — to a widow and her daughter of the late Sergeant First Class Heath Robertson [Robinson].  They fought for years to see it passed.  And the — finally, the family that suffered the greatest loss turned its pain into purpose to help others.

Here’s how it came out.


There seems to be a lot of enthusiasm as well (sarcasm).



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