
Biden Speaks At Reception Celebrating Women’s History Month

First Lady Dr. Jill Biden was with President Biden during an event at the White House celebrating Women’s History Month.

President Biden, First Lady Jill Biden, and Vice President Kamala Harris gave remarks at the event.

The First Lady announced that President Biden would be signing an executive order to improve women’s healthcare.

“Women will get the healthcare we deserve.  In just a few moments, my husband, President Biden  — see, Joe, now I just have to say your name and will sign the most comprehensive executive — executive order in history to advance research on women’s health,” Jill Biden said.

Following the First Lady, President Biden spoke.

At some point during the event, Biden headed towards another woman when Jill Biden came in out of nowhere and directed Biden to another area of the room.

There was a lot of speculation of what Biden was getting ready to do.

It was then Jill Biden flew across the room and intervened.

The video is unclear what Biden was going to do, but he clearly seemed disoriented; otherwise, Jill wouldn’t have rushed in like she did.

Was Jill trying to stop an embarrassing moment like this?

It’s not just Biden having embarrassing moments.

During a trip to Puerto Rico, Vice President Harris stopped by to meet with staff at a community center. In the courtyard of the community center was a group of musicians singing a song. Kamala began to clap enjoying the song until the words were translated for her.

The song was mocking her over the administration’s stance on Israel, and when she realized what they were saying, she folded her arms.

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