
Biden Intros ‘New Actions to Keep Families Together’

It’s now official: President Joe Biden has unveiled a new amnesty plan, with the aim to cover approximately a million undocumented immigrants. The legal authority behind this decision is currently unclear, but this has seldom been a hindrance to Biden’s swift policy implementations.

On June 18, a ceremony took place at the White House to commemorate this significant decision. The event, as usual, had its share of instances that demonstrated Biden’s frequent moments of mental lapses, which his Deputy Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, prefers to call “cheap fakes.”

However, there was one thing that was evident.

Watch the video below and note the behavior and mannerisms of First Lady Jill Biden.

Folks, she walked into that room like she was the boss, and Biden was just art on the wall supporting her. Matter of fact, my criticism of the video above is that it’s too short. That applause with Jill at the  podium went on for a bit (don’t worry we posted the entire event so you can see it all in context). It’s not like the policy had anything to do with school lunches or an anti-bullying campaign. This was a policy that has to do with the border which is probably going to get kicked out in court.

A particular video from the event that shows Biden forgetting the name of his Homeland Security Secretary has been a talking point lately, further highlighting his cognitive struggles. There is an ongoing debate about whether such videos are misleading or not. However, it’s worth questioning what exactly is misleading about this particular video.

In terms of the substance of Biden’s speech, he insinuated that American concerns about the border crisis is because we aren’t smart enough to understand.

Biden made the claim as illegal immigrant Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi was taken into custody by police who is accussed of sexually assaulting a 13 year old girl.

Just a few days before Biden’s proclamation it was leanred that Victor Antonio martinez Hernandez, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador who fled to the USA after allegedly committing a murder has been arrested for the sexual assault and murder of a Maryland mother of five.

However, according to Biden, Americans just don’t understand the border in the same way we don’t seem to get that the economy is just fine.


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