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CNN Shuts Down Opinion Section

CNN recently announced that it will be making big changes at the network, one of which will affect its website.

The network is discontinuing its opinion section this month.

Contributors were emailed about the decision to shut down the opinion section, with a hopeful note from an editor about potential future opportunities. A senior executive at CNN confirmed this move, explaining that the decision to end the standalone Opinion section was made at the beginning of the month.

Reached for comment, a senior executive at CNN told The Hill: “We did make the decision at the beginning of the month to sunset the opinion vertical on; as a result, we will no longer have a standalone Opinion section.”

According to the report, the Opinion desk staff was notified last month that their positions would be terminated on August 9 as part of a broader cost-cutting measure announced by CNN CEO Mark Thompson. The opinion section’s current content includes pieces on various social and political issues, such as “Project 2025 is coming for our kids, too,” which was written by Veronica Goodman, a director of a progressive think tank.

CEO Mark Thompson had previously outlined strategies to reduce spending and improve CNN’s position in the television and digital markets.

The network continues to shave off portions of the network.

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