
Biden & Harris Give Statement As American Prisoners Return

President Joe Biden welcomed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, Marine veteran Paul Whelan, and journalist Alsu Kurmasheva back to the United States at Joint Base Andrews on Thursday night. This homecoming was the result of a significant prisoner swap with Russia, in which the West released several high-profile detainees to secure the freedom of the three Americans who had been wrongfully imprisoned.

Accompanying President Biden was Vice President Kamala Harris in an attempt that she could cosplay as being President.

During the event, Vice President Harris gave comments showing why her handlers do not want her talking without a teleprompter. She

“This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy and strengthening alliances,” she said.

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro had a little fun with her statement:

President Biden quoted his father: “My father used to say family is the beginning, the middle, and the end; it’s about who we are as a country.” He also addressed Russian President Vladimir Putin directly with a simple message: “Stop.” Biden reiterated the importance of family and national identity, stating, “To me, this is about the essence of who we are as a country.”

In the clips below watch Vice President Kamala’s reaction…It’s priceless.

Biden seemed to take exception that the he was being kicked to the curb and said that he will be president for at least 90 days.

Keep in mind he said this the night before we learned that unemployment has risen.

If Kamala wants to cosplay being in charge when Americans are released from Russia then she needs to own this as well:

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