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Taylor Swift Sends Jet Halfway Around The World For BF

Now that the Super Bowl is over pop star Taylor Swift is looking to get some more personal time with her new boyfriend Travis Kecle.

At the time, Swift was in Australia, and she wanted Kecle to join her, so she sent her personal jet from Australia to Hawaii and back again so they could hang out.

Swift has already faced criticism from the left after she flew from Japan to Las Vegas to make sure she was at the Super Bowl game, then hopped right back on the plane back to Japan for her tour.

If she was hoping nobody would notice she was mistaken, according to Newsweek 9,000 were watching (which is weird in and of itself).

From Newsweek:

The pop superstar hit the road again performing in Melbourne from February 16 to February 18 at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). Swift had 96,000 fans in the audience at each show, making them the three biggest shows she’s ever played. This came just days after cheering on Kelce at the Super Bowl, who then stayed behind in Kansas City for the Chiefs’ celebrations.

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