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Senator Coons Comments On NYC Courthouse Press Conference

Robert De Niro, a name synonymous with legendary mobsters and tough guys on the big screen, found himself in a real-life drama on the streets of New York City. On Tuesday morning, De Niro stood outside the Manhattan courtroom where closing arguments were being made in Donald Trump’s Stormy Daniels trial. But this time, the veteran actor wasn’t playing a role; he was speaking on behalf of the Biden administration, and it didn’t go well.

De Niro’s presence drew a significant crowd, including a vocal group of Trump supporters who heckled him relentlessly throughout his speech. The actor, known for his powerful on-screen personas like Vito Corleone in “The Godfather Part II” and Travis Bickle in “Taxi Driver,” faced a barrage of insults and jeers. One heckler dared De Niro to walk the streets alone, prompting the actor to turn and look, echoing his iconic “you talkin’ to me?” moment from “Taxi Driver.”

In front of the microphone, De Niro struggled to maintain his composure as hecklers shouted over him. One video captured the actor’s frustration: “I mean, this is really … even these people over here are kinda … it’s kinda crazy. It’s really crazy. And this thing … Donald Trump has created this. He should be telling them not to do this. But he’s just …”

However, the praise was interrupted by a heckler who accused the officers of lying under oath. De Niro, channeling his inner wise-guy, responded sharply: “They lied under oath? Who lied under oath? What are you telling me?” The heckler reiterated the accusation, calling the officers traitors. De Niro, visibly agitated, defended the officers, stating, “They stood there; they didn’t have to. And there were other ones in there who probably were in with them a little bit, too, and they found a way to get around — not these guys. They stood there and fought for us, for you. For you!”

As De Niro made his way back to his vehicle, the heckling continued. Pro-Trump supporters shouted insults like “wannabe,” “sell-out,” and “movies suck.” De Niro, refusing to be intimidated, shouted back, “You’re not going to intimidate! That’s what Trump does, to try to intimidate! … We are going to fight back! We’re trying to be gentlemen in this world, the Democrats! You are gangsters! You are gangsters!”

The press conference was ripped as a desperate attempt by Biden’s campaign and the following day surrogates were out doing damage control.

One of them was Senator Chris Coons also co-chair in Biden’s campaign, who said that De Niro’s crazed rant had nothing to do with politics.

Folks, they set up a press conference outside of the NYC courthouse and now they want to claim it “wasn’t political.” Seriously!?

If, that’s the storyline they are sticking to they are in shambles.

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