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Jill Biden Makes Big Appearance On ABC

Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your hats because Jill Biden made quite a splash on The View! In an interview on May 29, the First Lady made the case that the upcoming election as a battle between “good and evil.”

During the interview, she became unglued.

Jill Biden slammed former President Trump, labeling him a would-be dictator whose election could lead to chaos and the erosion of rights. She warned that a Trump-stacked Supreme Court might strip away women’s rights, gay rights, and voter rights. “We cannot take things for granted,” she declared. “Think of the Supreme Court, for god’s sake. Can you imagine if we put more Republicans on the Supreme Court? We will lose all our rights.”

She didn’t stop there. Jill Biden confidently predicted that her husband’s poll numbers would improve and dismissed concerns about his age, pointing out that Trump and Joe Biden are “basically the same age.” “This election is not about age,” she insisted. “It’s about character. You have two choices. You have my husband, Joe, who you all know has integrity, he’s strong, he’s steady, he’s a leader. He’s smart. He’s energetic or you have chaos.”

Those clips above were just some of the highlights, but note what she didn’t say.

There’s no denying that the economy is terrible for average Americans. One of Biden’s biggest problems is that he refuses to admit it and claims things are great.

Therein lies the issue: the First Lady used outrageous claims to scare people, not explain a plan for how the Biden Administration will work to improve Americans’ lives.

A lot of Americans want 2019 back.  Heck, that should be Trump’s new slogan, make American 2019 again LOL.

But that’s the issue: Biden isn’t running on his record; he’s not humbling himself by saying, “It’s been tough, but here’s the plan.” It’s all Orange Man bad, and that’s it.

Meanwhile, Trump, who has a strong record on the economy, is saying, “Pick me, and we’ll get things rolling.”

As of the writing of this post, the NYC Trump hush money case hasn’t been settled yet. Think about this for a moment, putting aside the fact that this is left-wing lawfare: Joe Biden is so bad that a politician possibly being incarcerated could win the presidency.


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