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Lunden Roberts Prepares Memoir Release

Get ready for some explosive revelations because Lunden Roberts, the former stripper and mother of Hunter Biden’s daughter, Navy Joan Roberts, is coming out with a tell-all memoir. The book, titled “Out of the Shadows: My Life Inside the Wild World of Hunter Biden,” is set to be released on August 20, right in the middle of the 2024 Democratic National Convention. Talk about timing!

The Democratic National Convention, where President Joe Biden is expected to secure his party’s nomination for the upcoming presidential race, will be held in Chicago from August 19-22. This book’s release is sure to add a dramatic twist to the proceedings. Skyhorse Publishing describes the memoir as a brave and honest recount of Lunden’s chaotic relationship with Hunter Biden and her journey to protect their daughter, who was long-unacknowledged by her grandfather, President Biden.

In an excerpt from the book, Roberts describes her first encounter with Hunter Biden in vivid detail. Picture this: Hunter, clad only in parrot boxer briefs, organizing his pipes on his desk at Rosemont Seneca, while Roberts sits in an actual chair from the Senate floor once used by Barack Obama. She recalls thinking, “this is definitely a guy I want to get to know better.”

Skyhorse’s description of the memoir hints at the rollercoaster ride that was Roberts’ life with Hunter. The book promises to delve into the “wild world” of Hunter Biden, from the chaos at Rosemont Seneca to strip clubs and brushes with danger. Imagine scenes involving a drug cook in Rosemont Seneca’s kitchen, Hunter himself taking a spin on a stripper pole, and even a night where Roberts armed herself with two guns, ready to face a crazed MMA fighter.

Lunden Roberts moved to D.C. from Arkansas on a whim to apply for a grad program. Meeting Hunter Biden seemed to inject the kind of spontaneous, live-for-the-moment energy she craved. What followed was an unpredictable journey that reshaped her young life in ways she never could have imagined. “Out of the Shadows” is set to chronicle this tumultuous period, offering a candid look at her relationship with Hunter and the challenges she faced.

Roberts’ daughter, Navy Joan, was four years old before her grandfather, President Joe Biden, publicly acknowledged her, a move that came only after significant media pressure. This memoir is set to shine a light on that journey and the struggles of being a mother in such extraordinary circumstances.


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