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Lauren Handy Sentenced In Federal Court

Pro-Palestinian protesters have blocked highways, shut down subways, and taken over buildings. Their actions have led to many arrests however,  many of those cases have been dropped.

For instance NYU has dropped the charges against any student that was involved in the protests.

Lauren Handy, a pro-life activist, and has had the book thrown at her.

Lauren Handy, age 30, was sentenced to nearly five years in prison for her role in a blockade at the Washington Surgi-Clinic back on October 22, 2020.

Handy was among several people convicted of federal civil rights offenses for blocking access to the clinic.

According to prosecutors, one of Handy’s co-defendants forced his way into the clinic, pushing a nurse and causing her to sprain her ankle. Another co-defendant prevented a woman in labor pains from getting off the floor and entering the clinic. Inside, Handy directed others to link themselves together with locks and chains to block the doors, and one of the co-defendants even livestreamed the whole ordeal on social media. This situation lasted several hours until the police arrived and arrested those involved.

Before receiving her sentence of four years and nine months, Handy chose not to address the court. However, her supporters were vocal, applauding and shouting words of encouragement as she was led out of the courtroom.

The judge, Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, made it clear that Handy was being punished for her actions, not her beliefs, stating, “The law does not protect violent nor obstructive conduct, nor should it.”

Apparently, violent, in this case, means chaining yourself to a door.  But attacking a motorist who turns down the wrong street during a left-wing protest and then pointing a gun at him, causing the motorist to defend himself, will get the motorist arrested.

Prosecutors had recommended a sentence of about six years, describing Handy as a ‘criminal mastermind’ behind this and potentially similar attacks on other clinics. They argued that her actions, which were broadcast to her followers, encouraged others to commit similar offenses and traumatized the victims.

On the other hand, Handy’s defense portrayed her as a compassionate activist who founded a nonprofit organization called Mercy Missions, which helps families and mothers in crisis pregnancies. They requested a much lighter sentence of only one year, emphasizing her dedication to protecting and empowering vulnerable communities.

The court also heard about Handy’s involvement in other similar incidents in Maryland and Virginia, demonstrating a pattern of behavior that contributed to the court’s decision.


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