
Jimmy Fallon Mocks First Lady’s Inauguration Outfit On Tonight Show

Comedian Jimmy Fallon took the opportunity to mock first lady Melania Trump during a segment on the “Tonight Show” Monday.

Coming out to his audience wearing a wide-brimmed hat, similar to what was worn by Melania Trump during President Donald Trump’s inauguration, Fallon told his audience they were going to play a game of “who wore it better” between himself, the first lady, and the Hamburglar; a well-known McDonalds’ character.

“Welcome to the Tonight Show, thank you very much; after this, we’re gonna play ‘who wore it better:’ me, Melania, or the Hamburglar,” Fallon said.

Fallon then proceeded to go on a Trump-bashing tirade, comparing the president’s first term to surviving “Squid Game,” a fictional South Korean TV show where contestants compete against each other to the death for money.

“Yeah, America’s rolling the dice with a second Trump presidency. It’s like we somehow survived the first Squid Game and then signed back up for a second,” Fallon told his audience.

Fallon then took aim at President Trump’s use of two bibles while he was sworn in, one being his mother’s bible given to him in 1955.

“This afternoon, Trump was sworn in using two bibles: Abraham Lincoln’s and his own personal bible,” Fallon said, “You could tell which was which because one was 200 years old, and the other was a menu from the Cheesecake Factory.”

After taking jabs at the Trump family, Fallon then turned his attention back to the first lady’s outfit, which was custom-made by American fashion designer Adam Lippes, while Eric Javits made her coordinating hat.

“A lot of people were talking about Melania’s outfit … people weren’t sure if she was there for the inauguration or to kill Indiana Jones,” Fallon mocked, “All day long, Trump kept cutting into the hat hoping it was cake.”

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