
White House Issues Order On Government Office

Well, it looks like the federal government is finally packing up the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) circus tents, and not a moment too soon. In a move that’s sure to send progressive bureaucrats scrambling for their smelling salts, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has issued a directive to shut down all DEI offices across federal agencies by the end of the day. That’s right—those taxpayer-funded echo chambers for woke ideology are being closed, and their employees are being put on paid administrative leave until further notice. Welcome to Trump 2.0, where common sense is back in style.

Acting OPM Director Charles Ezell didn’t mince words in his Tuesday memo. By Wednesday at 5 p.m., agencies must not only shutter their DEI offices but also cancel any related training sessions and terminate contracts tied to these programs. And just in case anyone gets the bright idea to rebrand DEI efforts with some “coded or imprecise language,” agency heads are instructed to report those attempts, too. In other words, no more hiding progressive pet projects behind vague buzzwords. This is a full-scale purge of the federal government’s DEI obsession, and it’s about time.

The timing couldn’t be more appropriate, as President Trump signed multiple executive orders this week targeting DEI policies. The first eliminates all race- and sex-based preferences disguised as “diversity initiatives” in the workplace and higher education. Another order makes it official government policy to recognize only two genders: male and female. Radical leftists are, of course, losing their collective minds, but for the average American who’s been fed up with DEI nonsense, this is a refreshing return to merit-based governance.

Trump’s executive orders make a strong case against DEI programs, highlighting their corrosive effects on American institutions. As the orders note, these policies undermine the principles of fairness, individual merit, and hard work that built this nation. Worse, they violate the very civil-rights laws they claim to uphold by discriminating against people based on race, sex, or other factors unrelated to qualifications or performance. Think about that for a second: DEI programs, which claim to champion “equity,” are themselves blatantly discriminatory. Talk about irony.

Take the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), for example, which has been using DEI hiring policies under Biden’s administration. Trump’s memo on Tuesday made it clear: safety-critical positions like air traffic controllers and aviation inspectors should be filled by the most competent and qualified individuals—not by checking off diversity boxes. Imagine boarding a flight and wondering if the person responsible for your safety was hired because of their aptitude or because of their “lived experience.” Americans deserve better than that, and Trump is making sure they get it.

This isn’t just about rooting out bad policies—it’s about restoring trust and efficiency in our institutions. DEI initiatives have become a dangerous distraction, prioritizing identity politics over the core missions of agencies like law enforcement, education, and yes, even aviation. Trump’s crackdown is a signal that those days are over. Federal employees will now be hired and promoted based on their ability to do the job, not their skin color, gender, or any other irrelevant factor. What a novel concept.

Of course, the left will frame this as an attack on “progress,” but let’s call it what it really is: an attack on incompetence and ideological overreach. DEI programs have done little more than sow division, lower standards, and waste taxpayer dollars. President Trump understands that Americans want fairness, opportunity, and excellence—not woke quotas and endless lectures on privilege.

So, to the DEI bureaucrats now on paid leave: enjoy your time off. The grown-ups are back in charge, and it’s time to get back to work making America great again—one dismantled woke policy at a time.

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