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Biden Groups Look To Ramp Up Social Media Strategy

Joe Biden’s suitability for office continues to be a point of discussion as critics on both sides of the aisle scrutinize his performance. His tenure as a senator and vice president under Barack Obama often takes a backseat in these discussions, with the focus being primarily on the 2020 election. The election was seen less as a result of Biden’s policy credentials and more as a verdict on Donald Trump’s tenure. After three years of Biden’s presidency, even those who were against Trump are reassessing their choices.

With the presidential debate approaching, the pressure on the Biden administration is escalating. Fresh polls from Emerson College and The Hill suggest that former President Donald Trump is either maintaining his lead or increasing it against Biden in six key states. These include Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. There are also indications of dwindling support for Biden in traditionally Democratic strongholds like Minnesota.

It is worth mentioning that Minnesota was the only state that Ronald Reagan didn’t win in 1984. If Trump manages to tie in this state, it could signal significant problems for the Democrats.

In response to this political climate, Biden’s main re-election SuperPAC is aiming to compensate for the Republicans’ dominance on social media platforms by raising millions of dollars. The SuperPAC, Future Forward USA Action, supported by tech industry leaders such as Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz and LinkedIn founder Reed Hoffman, is working to understand the algorithms that provide Trump and his allies an advantage. They also aim to collaborate with progressive influencers to create and circulate fresh content.

This is a pretty desperate move, considering we are less than six months from November, and just now, the Biden team is getting their social media plan together.

This could be a strategy to construct a platform that celebrates Biden, in a manner akin to how others do for Trump. It may also be an endeavor to divert attention from Biden’s continuous missteps caught on camera and reframe them as “cheap fakes.”

Regardless of their approach, the countdown to the November election continues. The hope is for a peaceful transition, allowing us to move forward from what critics argue has been one of the most challenging presidencies in US history.


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