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A Recent Snopes Report Is Stirring A Lot Of Debate Online

Today, we’re going to discuss an intriguing shift in the fact-checking landscape related to former President Trump and President Biden. It’s not a common occurrence that the gear of fact-checking shifts.

Recently the fact checking website that leans strongly left released a report about the 2017 incident at Charlottesville.

Following the event, Trump conducts a press conference where he mentions there were “very fine people on both sides”. Over the years, many have interpreted this to mean that Trump was labeling white supremacists as “very fine people.”

The left and most recently President Biden has been using that for years to attack Trump.

Well, the fact-checking website Snopes, often aligned with left-leaning perspectives,  recently reported that while Trump did say there were “very fine people” on both sides, he specifically clarified that he was not referring to neo-Nazis and white supremacists. In fact, he insisted they should be “condemned totally.” So, according to this fact-checking site, the claim that Trump equated neo-Nazis with counter-protesters is untrue.

So how did Snopes proves this (7 years later). They merely found the CSPAN transcripts (that’s been available for anyone to look at for years) and confirmed it.

The left is having an anyerism over it too.

The editors at Snopes even added their own excerpt because leftists were freaking out over it.

The response on social media was hilarious:



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