
White House Holds Annual Halloween Event

President Joe Biden’s last Halloween at the White House had all the usual holiday trimmings—pumpkins, candy, costumes, and…well, a bit of head-scratching awkwardness.

The 81-year-old president, known for his “playful” interactions with kids, spent much of the evening handing out candy and posing with trick-or-treaters. But it wasn’t his costume or the decorations that caught people’s attention. In what has now become a Halloween tradition in its own right, Biden’s “playful” behavior raised eyebrows when he decided to “bite” three babies dressed up for the festivities.

Yes, you read that right. In a series of interactions that left social media in a swirl of confusion, Biden leaned in to chomp—lightheartedly, of course—on a baby dressed as a turkey, took a nibble at a tiny toe in an ice cream cone costume, and had another go with a child dressed in blue. Some defended the 81-year-old president’s actions as innocent grandpa behavior, while others found the spectacle…a little too close for comfort. It’s not exactly the “unifier in chief” image they probably had in mind.

As First Lady Jill Biden mingled with the crowd in a full panda costume (panda head and all), Biden continued to work his way through the children, engaging each one for so long that a line of kids began piling up, waiting for their turn. A little Spiderman tried to pass the time with a dance as the president slowly handed out candy stamped with the White House seal. The evening’s theme was “Hallo-read,” honoring Jill Biden’s background in education, with the first lady handing out copies of 10 Spooky Pumpkins alongside candy.

Of course, this isn’t the first time Biden’s child interactions have sparked chatter. From last Thanksgiving’s remark to a little girl about her “really cool ears” to an exchange in Finland where he pretended to gobble up a girl at a NATO summit, these moments are part of a long list of peculiar exchanges. And let’s not forget his Memorial Day 2021 remark about a young girl with barrettes in her hair, noting that she “looks like she’s 19 years old, sitting there like a little lady.”

The event was a classic Biden mix of nostalgia and well-meaning oddities. Alongside the holiday shenanigans, the South Lawn was decked out with pumpkins, corn stalks, and hay bales, and Darth Vader and Stormtroopers were there for photo-ops. The fountain was dyed green, the decorations were festive, and the candy was plentiful. And in true White House fashion, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, and other high-ranking officials brought their children along to join in the Halloween festivities.

However, this odd behavior comes just after biden called millions of American’s ‘garbage.’ Kamala must be having a fit.

While Biden’s antics certainly made for memorable moments, it’s safe to say this Halloween won’t be remembered just for the pumpkins or costumes. For better or worse, Biden’s penchant for “playfully” engaging with kids—complete with baby “bites”—made sure of that.

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