
Travis County DA Attempts To Overturn Abbott Pardon

Ladies and gentlemen, gather around because we have a gripping legal saga unfolding in Texas. The district attorney of Travis County, José Garza, has decided to appeal Governor Greg Abbott’s pardon of Daniel Perry.

First, some background: Daniel Perry was convicted of murder and sentenced to 25 years in prison for killing Garrett Foster during a George Floyd protest in Austin back in July 2020. Foster was participating in the demonstration armed with an AK-47 that he brought purposely to intimidate counter-protestors. When taking a wrong turn, Perry, a ride-share driver, claimed he fired in self-defense after Foster pointed the weapon at him. Despite recommendations from police investigators, Perry was quickly indicted, convicted, and sentenced.

Following the conviction, Texas Governor Greg Abbott took a bold step, announcing he had asked the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles to expedite their investigation into Perry’s case. Under Texas law, the governor can only grant a pardon if the board recommends it, a safeguard put in place after a previous governor was suspected of selling pardons.

The case is took another crazy twist when Travis County DA José Garza, a man who received significant funding from George Soros during his election campaign, decided to challenge Abbott’s pardon. In a fiery press release, Garza made his stance clear: “Our democracy works when each branch of government does not exceed their constitutional authority. This is why we are urging the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals to intervene in order to restore the sanctity of the rule of law in our state. We stand with Garrett Foster’s family because his life matters, and we believe in and honor the jury’s verdict; our system depends on it.”

So now a man has been legally pardoned by the highest authority in the matter, and the left wants to undo it because they lost.


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