
Report Clarifies Biden Video

The White House was really hoping to capitalize on Biden’s trip to Normandy.

Politico had written a piece saying that the White House really wanted to try and recreate Regean’s trip in 1984.

From Politico:

Biden aides are open about their desire for a rerun and inviting comparisons to ‘The Gipper,’” Eli Stokols reports from France, “with aides conceding that they have studied the Reagan trip closely and are looking to similarly capture the attention of a distracted, disillusioned public and remind them of how much is still at stake. Not only is Biden expected to echo Reagan in paying homage to these climactic battles for freedom and democracy, he will deliver his remarks from where Reagan stood, on those iconic cliffs where the war turned.

So there was a lot of push to make Biden look good especially following the Wall Street Journal piece where Democrats said they were concerned about the President’s health.

During the ceremony in Normandy, the right quickly pounced on a video clip; however, if this is how the left wants to defend Biden, they did themselves no favors.

The website Mediaite hammered Fox News host Pirro shared a clip that appeared to show President Joe Biden trying to sit in an invisible chair. The video was intended to make Biden look confused and mentally unfit for his role as Commander in Chief. However, the clip was deceptively edited. The real footage, which included more context, showed a different story.

Tommy Christopher reported that the official Republican account posted a misleading video with a deceptive edit to attack President Biden.

The misleading clip was shared by the Republican Party’s RNC Research X/Twitter account, depicting the president beginning to sit down. The caption read “Awkward” with a cringe emoji, and the clip quickly went viral, racking up over a million views. Many Republicans suggested that the president was “out of it” or trying to “sit in an imaginary chair.” But, the actual video of the event shows President Biden did sit in a real chair after pausing a few seconds to wait for Secretary Austin’s introduction to be completed.

Folks, he sat in a real chair, but he looked like a clueless old guy asking his wife for permission to sit.

So here’s the clip:

To be clear, moments later, Biden did sit in a real chair that was hard to see from the camera angle. However, whether he sat down or not is not the issue; it’s how he did it.

Of all the clips, this is the one they want to double down on? Don’t they know they are making it go even more viral by giving it attention.

Oh, and when it was over, the President left while Macron greeted veterans. Note the difference in the clip below between the two leaders.


Folks, they really wanted this to be a big moment for Joe.

Not so much.

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