
MSNBC Comments On Possible Bill

Recently, MSNBC aired a segment with a panel discussing a potential bill that would land on a GOP Governors desk that has big implications.

On April 2, 2024 conservative commentator Charlie Kirk published a long post on X discussing the state of Nebraska.

“Despite being one of the most Republican states, Nebraska awards its electoral votes by Congressional district instead of winner-take-all. Thanks to this system, Omaha’s electoral vote leans blue: Obama won it in 2008, and Biden won it in 2020. He’s likely to win it again this year,” Kirk wrote.

Which would mean if Trump wins Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada he would lose by one electoral vote.

Kirk pressured Nebraska legislatures to change the bill.

The grassroots pressure was immense, and it didn’t take long for Governor Jim Pillen to announce that if the legislator got him the bill changing the law, he’d sign it.

The following day a lot in the media noticed and Politico led with the Nebraska story showing that the change would “take away what is currently his[Biden] easiest path to 270.”

Panic, like actual panic ensued on MSNBC:

The Republicans in Nebraska now have a filibuster proof majority and there is a lot of momentuem this could get done.

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