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Kamala CNN Interview Resurfaces

As the third anniversary of the Abbey Gate bombing during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan approaches, many conservatives are revisiting comments made by Vice President Kamala Harris, highlighting her involvement in the decision-making process that led to the tragic events. The suicide bombing at Hamid Karzai International Airport on August 26, 2021, claimed the lives of 13 American service members and over 100 Afghans, with the Islamic State taking responsibility for the attack.

In the months leading up to the withdrawal, Harris confirmed in a CNN interview that she was the last person in the room before President Joe Biden made the decision to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan. When CNN anchor Dana Bash asked Harris if she was the final voice Biden consulted, Harris responded affirmatively, adding that she felt comfortable with the decision.

These remarks have resurfaced, drawing sharp criticism from conservative figures who view Harris’s role in the Afghanistan withdrawal as a significant failure. House Speaker Mike Johnson and other Republican leaders have shared clips of the interview, using Harris’s words to underscore their disapproval of the administration’s handling of the situation. Pennsylvania GOP Senate candidate Dave McCormick pointedly noted that Harris was “proud” to be involved in a decision that led to the loss of American lives.

Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller, among others, emphasized that Harris had openly “bragged” about her role in the withdrawal, a sentiment echoed by several prominent Republicans. RNC Research, an account run by the Republican National Committee, also circulated the video, intensifying the scrutiny on Harris’s involvement.

The criticism isn’t just about the decision itself but also about Harris’s subsequent silence. Since emerging as the Democratic presidential nominee, she has largely avoided interviews or press conferences where she might be asked to reflect on the Afghanistan withdrawal and its aftermath. Radio host Tom Shattuck questioned why Harris has not addressed the issue more directly, suggesting that she should answer questions about her role in the debacle.

But that’s not the only video resurfacing of Kamala.
Below is an interview when Kamala was asked about Trump comments regarding DEI policies.

Watch her response below.

Note how she doesn’t really answer the question.


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