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Biden Gives Remarks On His ‘Moonshot’ Initiative

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s take a moment to unpack what’s been going on with President Joe Biden lately. Now, it’s no secret that there have been some concerns about his performance, and recent events have certainly fueled those worries. Biden’s latest public appearances have left many scratching their heads—and not in a good way.

So, what exactly happened? Well, during an event focused on his Cancer Moonshot initiative, Biden seemed to lose track of his thoughts. He was trying to explain the origins of the initiative, which dates back to his time as Vice President under Barack Obama. But here’s the kicker: he appeared to forget Obama’s name entirely! That’s right—he referred to it as “the administration of President…at the time, when I was vice president.” Now, forgetting the name of your former boss, especially one as prominent as Obama, is a pretty big deal.

But that’s not all. During the same event, Biden trotted out a familiar story about traveling 17,000 miles with Chinese leader Xi Jinping. This tale has been widely debunked, yet Biden continues to repeat it. This time, however, his delivery was so sluggish and low-energy that it seemed like he could barely stay awake. His eyes were half-shut, and his voice was barely above a whisper. For someone leading the country, this kind of performance is more than just a little concerning.

And then came the moment that really had people talking. Out of nowhere, Biden suddenly started shouting about how “anything is possible in America!” It was as if he was trying to jolt himself—and maybe the audience—awake. But the abrupt shift in tone just made the whole thing feel even more disjointed.

Yup, he’s right anything is possible. Like when your party pushes you out because they are afraid to lose power.


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