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Biden Host Japanese Prime Minister

There were a lot of raised eyebrows during an event hosted by Biden.

President Biden held an event on April 10, 2024, at the White House with the Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

Biden, 81, and Kishida greeted each other during a ceremony honoring both countries, followed by a review of the US honor guard.

Instead of describing what happened, it’s perhaps best to explain it in the videos.

By the way, kudos to the member of the honor guard who helped Biden figure out where to go and not make the situation even more embarrassing.

Joe didn’t even know when to salute.

Once on the stage Biden had a coughing fit. I will say this allergies are really bad this year. ‍♂️

Lost in the sauce…

Let’s do a comparison, on April 10, 2024 former President Trump was in Atlanta and he took a couple of questions.

Next, it was off to Chik-fil-A.

Trump even gave out hugs.

Now compare that to Biden on Febuary 26 in New York city getting ice cream.

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