
Hogg Selected For Key DNC Spot

Well, well, well—David Hogg, the professional activist and self-appointed moral authority on all things gun-related has somehow landed a top spot in the Democratic National Committee. Because, of course, in today’s Democratic Party, nothing qualifies you for leadership quite like shouting into a Twitter void, making wildly inaccurate statements, and getting into public feuds that you inevitably lose.

The DNC, in its infinite wisdom, has chosen Hogg as one of its vice chairs, alongside a couple of other left-wing loyalists. This is the same David Hogg who built his entire brand on gun control hysteria, regularly spews nonsense about capitalism and “white supremacy,” and—let’s not forget—got into Harvard with SAT scores that wouldn’t get him into a mid-tier state school. But hey, when you’re a Democrat, credentials don’t matter nearly as much as the right combination of buzzwords and victimhood status.

Let’s talk about his track record. For starters, he’s been caught lying—multiple times—to push his agenda. Back in 2022, he whined that Marco Rubio wouldn’t meet with him because he was too “triggered.” That little performance lasted until Rubio’s Chief of Staff shut it down with actual facts—showing that a meeting had been scheduled, but Hogg, ever the attention-seeker, decided to play the victim instead. It was a perfect example of how he operates: grandstanding for clout while hoping nobody checks the receipts.

And then there’s his infamous claim that the NRA somehow manipulates the gun market to increase sales, which—surprise, surprise—was completely false. But let’s be honest, Hogg has never been too concerned about facts. He’s more interested in throwing around dramatic statements and hoping no one asks him to back them up.

But perhaps his most revealing moment came in 2020, when he tweeted one of the most absurd takes in recent memory. According to Hogg, “violence to acquire political power is deeply rooted in imperialism, capitalism, and white supremacy.” Now, put aside the fact that this makes absolutely no historical sense—because if we’re being real, expecting historical literacy from Hogg is asking a bit much. What’s more alarming is the second part of his message, where he essentially says that he’s not in a position to “criticize” violence committed by certain groups. Translation: it’s okay to use violence as long as it’s done by people I politically agree with. How very progressive of him.

But don’t worry—after the inevitable backlash, he apologized… kind of. His apology came with the usual leftist disclaimer: “I’m sorry, but let me be clear, I’m not actually telling people what to do.” Classic non-apology. It’s the same tactic the left always uses—push the radical talking points, backtrack when the backlash gets too hot, and then pretend like nothing happened.

And now, this guy is a vice chair of the DNC. What does that tell you about the state of the Democratic Party? This isn’t just some fringe activist getting a participation trophy—this is the party’s leadership. The Democrats are fully embracing the politics of grievance, misinformation, and radical ideology.

While Republicans focus on policies that actually matter—securing the border, fixing the economy, and keeping Americans safe—Democrats are out here elevating a kid whose biggest accomplishment is racking up retweets. And they wonder why they keep losing ground with everyday Americans.

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