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Gen Z Report Surprises Experts

A new report has come out about boys and men that are from Gen Z which is classified as males who are aged 16 to 29.

The report found that there’s a “real risk of fractious division among this coming generations.”


According to the report, Generation Z men believe that feminism has done more harm than good.

You can see why the left is freaking out.

The study also found that young men believe that it’s harder to be a man than a woman:

One in six (17%) of the UK public overall believe that in 20 years’ time it will be harder to be a man than a woman.

Men aged 16 to 29 (30%) are almost twice as likely to feel this way, including 19% who think it’ll be much harder to be a man.

When it came to feminism, here was the breakdown according to The Guardian:

On feminism, 16% of gen Z males felt it had done more harm than good. Among over-60s the figure was 13%.

The figures emerged from Ipsos polling for King’s College London’s Policy Institute and the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership. The research also found that 37% of men aged 16 to 29 consider “toxic masculinity” an unhelpful phrase, roughly double the number of young women who don’t like it.

They are basically blaming free speech on the internet because the men have access to influencers they like.

Prof Rosie Campbell, who is the director of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s, said, “The fact that this group is the first to derive most of their information from social media is likely to be at least part of the explanation. There has been a zeitgeist where young women feel they can own the idea of feminist identity … [Young men] hear a lot about girl power but don’t, at this stage in their lives, understand the inequalities that we know are in the world when you hit work and childcare.”

“This is a new and unusual generational pattern,” said Prof Bobby Duffy, director of the Policy Institute. “Normally, it tends to be the case that younger generations are consistently more comfortable with emerging social norms, as they grew up with these as a natural part of their lives.”

This isn’t just happening in the United States or the UK, it’s happening all over the modern world.


The consensus is that it’s “right-wing” influencers, which would make sense if this was only happening in America, but it’s happening all over the world.


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