
CSPAN Cuts Off Caller

What a time to be alive, right? You’ve got a guy on CSPAN, “Willie from Louisiana,” straight-up praising two assassination attempts on former President Trump, and the host barely skips a beat before cutting him off. Willie didn’t even try to hide it—he called Trump a threat to America and seemed to think taking a shot at him was somehow “patriotic.” Imagine that. Now, here’s the kicker: Willie’s idea of “defending the country” involves cheering on would-be assassins. And before anyone tries to brush this off as some isolated case, let’s not forget the new survey that just dropped.

According to Scott Rasmussen’s Napolitan News Institute, 28 percent of Democrats think America would be better off if Trump were dead. Yeah, you read that right—almost a third of them. But are we surprised? Not really. After all, we’ve seen the left’s rage machine running full throttle for years, vilifying Trump to the point that people like Willie from Louisiana think they’re heroes for wanting him gone.

And can we talk about the media’s role in all this? A whopping 45 percent of Americans in the same survey think that anti-Trump rhetoric is what’s fueling these assassination attempts. But, of course, no one on the left will admit to that. Instead, we’ve got Hillary Clinton on MSNBC—still haunted by Trump, mind you—rambling on about how the media doesn’t push a “consistent narrative” against him. Consistent narrative? Is she serious? If anything, the mainstream media has been too consistent in demonizing Trump, comparing him to Hitler and predicting the end of democracy if he ever steps foot in the White House again. But apparently, that’s not enough for Hillary.

And this…this is just disturbing.

And then there’s Lester Holt of NBC, who decided it was a good idea to blame Trump for the threats against his own life. After the second assassination attempt, Holt suggested that Trump and his running mate, JD Vance, were stoking the flames by making “baseless claims” about Haitian immigrants. Yeah, because that somehow justifies an armed man hiding in the bushes at Trump’s golf course. You can’t make this stuff up.

But, as always, it’s Trump’s fault, right? Just like they blame him for pretty much everything else. Well, guess what? The more the left keeps up this unhinged rhetoric, the more they’re fanning the flames for another attempt. And with nearly a third of Democrats openly admitting they’d prefer Trump dead, it’s no wonder the country feels like it’s teetering on the edge. Honestly, how much crazier can this get?

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