
Club Cancels Shows After Backlash

The Capitol Hill Comedy/Bar in Seattle, Washington, has been forced to cancel several shows because activists in the city are upset.

According to KTTH, Dave Smith, Luis J. Gomez, Jim Florentine, and Kurt Metzger, all known for being “unwoke,” received an email from the club’s co-owner, Jes Anderson, informing them their appearances would be canceled.

“Capitol Hill is known for its progressive values, and we’ve received significant feedback expressing concerns about the alignment of these upcoming shows with the neighborhood’s ethos. This feedback includes concerns from local advocacy groups that are deeply embedded in our community and work towards upholding its values,” according to the email.

Anderson said that after “discussions with our team, investors, local comedians, and neighborhood advocacy groups” they decided to cancel the shows.
One portion of the email seemed to indicate that the club was worried about the fallout. Anderson said that the cancelations were meant “to avoid any potential negative impact on both our club and the artists involved, as well as to maintain the harmony within our community.”

“Are they idiots for booking us and then unbooking us? Yes, it’s a dumb move. Is my former agent an idiot for booking me at a super woke progressive venue that like the entire lineup is like… blue haired… freaks?” Luis J. Gomez said during a podcast.

Gomez also said that he suspects part of the issues is “young, jealous” local comics who play at the venue were upset outsiders were coming in.

“That’s what happens when comics don’t have anything going on. They just look for drama,” he said. “So (Anderson) found drama within the comedy space there and she was like, ‘Alright, I think they’re great, but I’m not, you know, I don’t need to… make it a thing.’ Maybe they were concerned with protests? Seattle is like a super woke area.”

According to a KING 5 report, the Capitol Hill Comedy/Bar makes comics “adhere to the code of conduct, which outlines expectations for respectful behavior and language, helping to create a safe and welcoming space for both comics and guests.”

What kind of comedy place is that?

I’m sure it doesn’t help that the comedy club is located at the former site of CHAZ.

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