
Whoopi Comments On Jackson

The View is at it again, and this time, they’ve managed to get themselves all twisted up in knots defending Janet Jackson over comments about Vice President Kamala Harris. Yep, you read that right. Apparently, Jackson doesn’t think Harris is Black, and now Whoopi Goldberg and the crew are falling all over themselves trying to excuse this latest celebrity faux pas.

Let’s set the stage: Janet Jackson, pop icon and one-time Super Bowl controversy queen, claimed in an interview with The Guardian that Kamala Harris isn’t actually Black. “Her father’s white,” Jackson said while also admitting she hadn’t watched the news in a few days. Apparently, when you’re not keeping up with current events, you make up facts about the Vice President of the United States. However, it’s kind of hard when Kamala herself is flip-flopping on her own race! Some days, she’s Black; some days, she’s Indian, and still, other days, she’s bi-racial. Who can keep up?

As expected, The View crew couldn’t resist diving headfirst into this mess. Ana Navarro, normally one of the more rational voices on the panel, pointed out the obvious: “Janet Jackson, like every other American, has a right to support or not support whoever she wants.”

Cue Whoopi Goldberg to swoop in and defend Jackson with the same gusto she usually reserves for shutting down any semblance of conservative thought. Whoopi argued that Janet’s just a musician, not a “political animal,” and therefore should be given a little grace. “Sometimes people get it wrong,” Whoopi said as if Jackson was just commenting on the weather and not the racial identity of the sitting Vice President. Grace, Whoopi? Really? This isn’t some random Twitter user shooting off nonsense—this is Janet Jackson making a public statement about Kamala Harris.

Of course, when the heat got too much, Jackson’s supposed “manager” issued an apology, only for her actual management to come out later and deny it, calling the apology unauthorized. So now we’ve got an apology that wasn’t an apology, and Jackson still hasn’t clarified or corrected her original statement. It’s like a never-ending circus, and the only ones buying tickets are The View’s co-hosts.

Then there’s Sunny Hostin, who made sure to give us all a lecture on multiracial identity as if that was somehow the point of this entire controversy. “Kamala is breaking barriers just by being in the room,” Sunny declared, and while that may be true for some, it doesn’t exactly erase the fact that Janet Jackson’s out here saying Kamala’s not Black because she heard it somewhere.

However, instead of owning up to an apparent mistake, Jackson’s comments have been met with a chorus of excuses from the celebrity bubble, with Whoopi leading the charge. “She’s mourning her brother,” Whoopi said at one point.

Janet Jackson’s bizarre comment is just another example of the left-leaning media covering for their own. Imagine if someone on the right had made such a blatantly inaccurate statement about a liberal icon; oh wait, they have. There’s been outrage, calls for apologies, and never-ending media coverage. But when it’s Janet Jackson? Oh, well, she’s just confused. She deserves some grace.

Sure, give her grace—but let’s also give her a reality check. Facts are facts, and it’s time for everyone, including Jackson, to get them straight.

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