
Former Congresswoman Responds To Statement About Vance

She did it in 2019 and she is at it again.

In a stunning twist to the political landscape, former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) has returned to the spotlight, throwing pointed criticisms back at Vice President Kamala Harris. This comes in the wake of President Joe Biden’s unexpected withdrawal from the presidential race, coupled with his endorsement of Harris. Gabbard’s remarks are a sharp reminder of the fierce 2019 debate performance that many believe tarnished Harris’ initial presidential ambitions.

For those that don’t remember in 2019 it was Gabbard that pretty much ended Kamala Harris’ run in 2019 after a back and forth during a debate.

Gabbard did not mince words. “Don’t be fooled: policies won’t change,” she asserted. “Just like Biden wasn’t the one calling the shots, Kamala Harris won’t be either. She is the new figurehead for the deep state and the maidservant of Hillary Clinton, queen of the cabal of warmongers.” This scathing commentary harkens back to Gabbard’s critique of Harris during the 2019 debates, which significantly impacted Harris’s campaign.

This recent tirade, however, isn’t Gabbard’s first jab at Harris this week. Amid the buzz of the Republican National Convention, Gabbard lambasted Harris for her attack on Sen. JD Vance, who was announced as Donald Trump’s running mate. Harris had suggested that Vance’s loyalty to Trump would surpass his loyalty to the country—a statement Gabbard found hypocritical.

Harris’s comment on Vance raised eyebrows, especially when considering her defense of Biden over the past four years, during which she often dismissed concerns about his cognitive health and age. Gabbard emphasized this point, contrasting Vance’s military service with Harris’s political trajectory.

“JD Vance enlisted in the Marine Corps after 9/11, putting his life on the line. Kamala Harris is driven by her own political ambition. She’s a self-serving politician who should not be in office,” Gabbard stated.

These remarks from Gabbard came before Biden’s announcement, but they have gained new relevance. Harris’s political journey, from her rise in California politics to her national prominence, has faced scrutiny. Critics argue that her 2016 Senate victory was against weak opposition and her 2019 presidential bid faltered due to internal campaign issues and lackluster support. They suggest that her selection as Biden’s running mate was influenced more by external pressure to choose a woman of color rather than her own political prowess.

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