
Kelly Discusses Change In Social Media

The great liberal exodus from X (formerly known as Twitter) continues, and honestly, it’s the most entertaining thing happening online right now. SiriusXM host Megyn Kelly and her guests from the “Ruthless” podcast couldn’t stop laughing as Joy Reid and Don Lemon announced their dramatic departures from Elon Musk’s social media playground. Reid took to TikTok (because of course she did), while Lemon opted for Instagram to tell us all why they’re “peace-ing out” from X. Spoiler alert: no one’s buying their excuses.

Reid claims she stayed on X only to prevent someone from hijacking her name and misusing it. Sure, Joy. It had nothing to do with clinging to your 1.9 million followers to maintain relevance in a world where CNN’s ratings don’t exactly scream “captive audience.” As Kelly pointed out, “Goodbye, we won’t miss you.” And Lemon? He’s blaming some obscure legalese in X’s new terms of service. Right. It couldn’t possibly be that no one on the platform likes him anymore.

Kelly summed it up perfectly: this “rash” of Twitter exits is less about principle and more about attention. Jamie Lee Curtis, Bette Midler, and even The Guardian have joined the parade, all claiming Musk’s platform is now too “toxic” to handle. What’s really toxic, though, is their need for validation. They’ll all be back as soon as they realize no one is refreshing TikTok or Instagram for their hot takes. Kelly nailed it again, predicting Reid will return to reclaim her precious follower count. Let’s be honest—she’s probably logging back in as we speak.

And here’s the kicker: these liberal luminaries are running for the hills just as President-elect Donald Trump is prepping for his second term. Coincidence? Doubtful. Since Musk took over X, the platform has become an open forum for all voices, including ones the left doesn’t want to hear. Democrats have branded it a cesspool of “racism” and “conspiracy theories,” which is just code for “we can’t control the narrative anymore.” The timing of their mass exit couldn’t be more convenient.


As Kelly pointed out, it’s laughable to think these celebrities and pundits could survive even one day in the world most conservatives live in—where nearly every institution, from media to entertainment to education, pushes messages directly opposed to their values. Crying about a free-speech platform like X being “toxic” when you’ve spent years with the entire cultural apparatus on your side? Now that is rich.


So, Joy, Don, Jamie Lee, and the rest of the pack—don’t let the door hit you on the way out. We’ll be here, enjoying the show, when you inevitably come crawling back. After all, who else will you complain to if not the “toxic” people on X?

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