
Kamala Discusses Crime During Interview With Roland Martin

Kamala Harris has done it again, folks—this time taking a detour into the cosmos while trying to explain crime in Democrat-run cities. During an interview with Roland Martin on Black Star Network, Harris left us all scratching our heads as she went off on a tangent about stars and constellations. Yes, you read that right. Apparently, in Kamala’s world, fixing urban crime starts with gazing at the night sky.

Here’s how it went down: When asked about Donald Trump’s focus on crime in Democrat-led cities, Harris responded with, “You know, if you just look at where the stars are in the sky… if you look at them as points… what does it show you?” What followed was a bizarre attempt to connect dots between Trump’s criticisms and black populations, but all anyone could focus on was the strange star-gazing analogy. She even managed to make it sound like Trump was picking on cities based on constellations. Thus, “Galileo Harris” was born.

Naturally, Trump’s campaign wasted no time clipping the exchange and sharing it online, sparking a wave of reactions. One user on X asked, “THIS is talking ‘black agenda with Roland?’” Another chimed in, “Space cadet? Yes she is LOL.” Let’s be honest—these aren’t exactly the sharp political takes you’d expect from someone aiming for the Oval Office.

But it didn’t stop there. People started speculating if Harris was under the influence, with one user saying it was like listening to someone after consuming “250mg of THC.” Ouch. And it wasn’t just random trolls piling on. Mike Davis, a conservative judicial advocate, took it a step further, saying this is what happens when candidates are picked for their “skin pigment, genitals, attraction to genitals, or perception of genitals.” Davis’s comments struck at the heart of what many Republicans see as the left’s obsession with identity politics over competence.

“This is what happens when you pick leaders solely based on their skin pigment, genitals, attraction to genitals, or perception of genitals,” Davis said.

The moniker “Galileo Harris” has stuck, with critics mocking her not only for her space council chairmanship but for yet another instance where her word salads fail to land a coherent message. One person joked, “Meanwhile, Xi and Putin lick their chops.” Yeah, because nothing says “strong leadership” like getting lost in metaphorical constellations while discussing crime.

Roland Martin even tried to reel it back in by pointing out Trump’s so-called targeting of black cities like Detroit and Atlanta during the 2020 election’s voting fraud claims. But Harris’s response was just a muddled “Yes,” lacking any real punch or insight. It’s no wonder why many pundits, including Barack Obama, have expressed concern about the enthusiasm gap among black voters heading into 2024. With Harris making headlines for bizarre interviews rather than bold policies, that gap isn’t closing anytime soon.

All the while, crime statistics speak for themselves. Under Democrat rule, cities like New York saw crime surge in 2020, with shootings nearly doubling and murders up by 44%. Trump has been vocal about these issues for years, pointing out the chaos in cities like Detroit, Baltimore, and Oakland, and reminding everyone that even black voters have thanked him for addressing the problem. But according to Harris, all Trump’s rhetoric is just pointing at random stars in the sky.

As the election heats up, one thing is clear: Harris might want to come back down to Earth if she hopes to close the enthusiasm gap and stand a chance against Trump in 2024. Until then, the stars aren’t aligning in her favor.

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