
Jennifer Rubin Resigns From The Washington Post

Well, it finally happened. Jennifer Rubin, the Washington Post’s self-proclaimed “conservative” blogger—who spent the better part of a decade parroting Democratic talking points—has decided to pack up her Twitter account (sorry, X account) and storm off into the sunset of a new project “not owned by anybody.” She’s leaving the Post, launching her own outlet, and swearing off Elon Musk’s X because, apparently, Donald Trump and Musk are now co-ruling the universe as shadowy overlords. Bold move, Jen.

For anyone still clinging to the belief that Rubin was some kind of center-right thinker bravely holding the line, let’s just rip that Band-Aid off now. Her “conservatism” has always been about as convincing as a tofu steak at a Texas barbecue. Rubin shed any pretense of being on the right years ago when she jumped aboard the #Resistance express train and never looked back.

Her latest meltdown appears to be tied to two things: Trump’s reelection (the mere thought of which probably keeps her up at night) and her unshakable belief that WaPo’s billionaire owner, Jeff Bezos, has sold out to Trump and Musk. In Rubin’s world, where nuance is as unwelcome as a MAGA hat at a Bernie Sanders rally, Bezos and his Post have apparently become complicit in advancing a “kakistocracy.” (Translation: Rubin’s mad that WaPo wouldn’t wholeheartedly endorse Kamala Harris or spend its entire editorial budget lamenting Trump’s return.)

But let’s not get distracted by Rubin’s dramatics. The real comedy here lies in her parting announcement. She’s leaving the Post to launch a new outlet on some niche platform called “BlueSky” (don’t worry if you’ve never heard of it, most people haven’t). Rubin promises that this brave new venture, co-launched with Democratic Party cheerleaders like Norm Eisen and Laurence Tribe, will cover everything from politics to pets. Yes, you read that right—pets. Because nothing screams journalistic independence like a section dedicated to cat memes sandwiched between op-eds about how Trump is the end of democracy.

What’s more, Rubin has taken aim at her former employer for daring to suggest that maybe—just maybe—media outlets should try to understand the Trump phenomenon rather than simply sneer at it from afar. In Rubin’s mind, any attempt to comprehend why Trump resonates with tens of millions of Americans is akin to treason. Forget analysis, forget reflection—just resist! Resist until the bitter end!

But here’s the kicker: Rubin’s entire shtick is a relic of a media landscape that’s fading fast. Legacy outlets like WaPo, still clinging to their self-appointed role as moral arbiters, are struggling to keep pace in a world where podcasters, citizen journalists, and even Twitter accounts with frog memes are outmaneuvering them. People are tired of being condescended to by elites who think they know better than the rest of us.

Rubin, of course, is having none of it. She’d rather retreat to an echo chamber where every opinion is pre-approved by a progressive checklist. Her parting shots at WaPo’s management and Bezos—who she accuses of “accommodating” Trump and Musk—reek of the kind of bitterness that only comes from someone realizing their influence isn’t what it used to be.

But don’t worry, Rubin assures us, she’s still answering “history’s call.” Because nothing says “answering history’s call” like angrily quitting your job, launching a vanity project with a handful of D-list Resistance celebrities, and threatening to take your ball and go home because Elon Musk dared to buy a social media platform.

Rubin’s departure from WaPo doesn’t signal the death knell of conservatism or even of the Post’s opinion section. It’s just the natural conclusion of a pundit whose brand was built on opposing the very people she was supposed to represent. Rubin’s reinvention as a liberal mascot is complete. Let’s just hope her new outlet has enough pet videos to distract her audience from the fact that, deep down, they never really believed she was conservative, either.

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