
Biden Visits Nevada, Gives Remarks

President Biden is making a southwest swing through Arizona and Nevada.

The President has been making his way through purple states like Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and North Carolina.

According to Real Clear Politics (as of the writing of this post), Trump has seemed to be edging out Biden by around 5 points in Arizona and Nevada.

“At the end of the day, we know this is going to be a tough, close race,” a Biden campaign aide told reporters Monday. “That’s why we’re investing in multiple ways to 270 electoral votes.”

“In tight races, this work matters,” he said. “This early outreach, mobilizing our diverse coalition, and getting boots on the ground is how we’re going to win.”

Biden’s campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez pointed out that Biden would travel to “perennial swing counties” of Maricopa in Arizona and Washoe in Nevada “where Democrats, independents, and moderate Republicans have powered our victories in recent elections.”

When asked about the border a campaign aide said, “For years Trump and his MAGA allies have tried to weaponize our broken immigration system, then they killed President Biden’s border security bill, toughest and fairest reforms to secure the border in decades. Republicans have already shown voters in Nevada and Arizona they care far more about playing politics with the border than actually solving the problem.”

So what does Joe do during his appearance…Look I saw so you do too.

So gaslighting nonsense.

He’s fine, perfectly fine…

Additionally Biden ahs also a new reach out program.

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