
Ferrell Faces Criticism After Ad

Hollywood’s getting political again, and this time, they’re rallying behind Kamala Harris. Actor and comedian Will Ferrell has thrown his comedic weight into the Harris campaign with an ad that’s raising some eyebrows—and not necessarily in a good way. In the ad, Ferrell humorously “threatens” voters, singling out one in particular, “Gary,” with language that’s, let’s just say, far from family-friendly.

Ferrell’s ad goes like this: “This election is going to be one of the closest in history. Your vote will make the difference.” Then he mockingly plays the role of the doubtful voter, saying, “‘Oh, blah blah blah, I’m just one person.’ No. Shut the [bleep] up, Gary,” and even says they’ll “hold you personally responsible” if Harris doesn’t get enough votes. For a campaign that claims to champion civility, it’s an odd choice to have an actor known for goofy comedies like Elf deliver a message that borders on intimidation.



This isn’t the first time we’ve seen celebrities pour their support into the Harris campaign. Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, and several other Avengers alumni joined forces in a recent video, which was basically a Harris endorsement disguised as a joke-filled “down with democracy” routine. In it, Paul Bettany throws out a slogan suggestion, and Don Cheadle jokingly chimes in with, “I’m Kamala Harris, and I am down with democracy,” as if that line would suddenly strike inspiration in undecided voters. Needless to say, the internet had a field day with that one.

But Hollywood’s Harris hype doesn’t stop there. Beyoncé even made an appearance in Texas to introduce the VP at a rally, pulling in another level of star power. And sure, having celebrities make cameos in campaign ads has been the Democrats’ go-to move for years, but this time, the tactic seems especially tone-deaf. Between Ferrell’s mock threats and Avengers stars rolling out slogans, some voters are finding it more cringeworthy than compelling. One can’t help but wonder if these high-profile “endorsements” might backfire.

While all this Hollywood glitz is unfolding, recent polling shows that the actual race is tight as ever, especially in battleground states. According to the latest New York Times/Siena College Battleground poll, Trump is leading in Arizona, while Harris has narrow edges in Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, and Wisconsin. Michigan and Pennsylvania are deadlocked. With just days to go, the election is looking like it will come down to the wire.

But here’s the question: will these celebrity endorsements really sway anyone? Hollywood’s bubble doesn’t exactly overlap with the day-to-day reality of most Americans. While the actors play around with catchphrases and threats, voters are out there dealing with inflation, job insecurity, and rising costs. You have to wonder if Ferrell’s mock threats are going to make someone who’s struggling with rent think, “Yeah, I should definitely vote for Kamala Harris.” After all, Ferrell, Downey Jr., and Beyoncé are hardly facing the same economic pressures as the average voter.

At the end of the day, it’s almost laughable to think that Hollywood’s “Hail Harris” might make much of a difference in a razor-tight race. Maybe instead of cringe-filled celebrity ads, Harris’s team should focus on actually addressing the concerns of everyday Americans. After all, the polls suggest this election will come down to the undecided voters who aren’t likely to be swayed by big-name Hollywood endorsements, no matter how “down with democracy” they are.

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