
DOJ Releases Report

Well, folks, here we go again. Another late-night document dump from the Justice Department, perfectly timed to maximize confusion and minimize accountability. This time, it’s Volume One of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s final report—because what better way to wrap up a circus of investigations than with a midnight encore? You can almost hear the faint strains of dramatic violin music in the background.

Let’s start with the basics: Jack Smith, the so-called “impartial” special counsel, had two years and unlimited taxpayer funding to dig up dirt on Donald Trump. And what do we have to show for it? A report released in the dead of night that reads like a greatest hits album of anti-Trump talking points. Of course, Smith swears on the DOJ playbook that his decisions were guided by the “Principles of Federal Prosecution.” Sure, Jack. Pull the other one.

Smith insists it’s “laughable” to suggest that political actors influenced his work. Oh, we’re laughing all right. Because nothing screams nonpartisan justice like conveniently timed indictments and a report dropped just days before Trump is set to return to the Oval Office. The timing is almost as subtle as a sledgehammer.

Let’s unpack this gem of a report. Smith says his team was this close to putting Trump on trial for alleged “criminal efforts to retain power” after the 2020 election. But wait! Along comes the pesky Constitution, which, according to the DOJ’s interpretation, says a sitting president can’t be prosecuted. Funny how that worked out, isn’t it? Smith stands by his charges, mind you, but suddenly it’s hands off because, you know, the Constitution.

And then there’s Merrick Garland, the maestro of this whole charade, who just couldn’t resist making at least one volume of this report public. Heaven forbid we go more than a week without the DOJ trying to smear Trump. Never mind that the cases against Trump—both the classified records probe and the 2020 election case—were dismissed before they ever saw a courtroom. Judge Aileen Cannon ruled that Smith’s appointment was unlawful in the classified documents case, and Judge Tanya Chutkan dismissed the election case after Trump’s 2024 victory. Translation: Jack Smith swung twice and missed both times. But hey, let’s release a report anyway, just to remind everyone of the media’s favorite boogeyman.

And let’s not forget the laundry list of charges Smith threw at Trump, from conspiracy to obstruct justice to willful retention of national defense information. It’s a legal buffet of buzzwords, designed to sound as ominous as possible. Yet here we are: no trials, no convictions, and Trump poised to take the oath of office once again. If Smith’s investigations were a movie, it’d go straight to DVD.

Naturally, Trump fired back on Truth Social, calling Smith “desperate” and “deranged” for releasing his “fake findings” in the middle of the night. Can you blame him? This report is nothing more than a last-ditch effort to keep the narrative alive, a parting gift from the Democrats to their base.

At the end of the day, what does this all accomplish? Not much, except to remind the American people why they’re so fed up with the swamp. This report, like the investigations before it, will do nothing to stop Trump or sway his supporters. If anything, it only underscores the weaponization of our justice system and the desperation of an establishment clinging to power. So, nice try, Jack, but the people aren’t buying it. See you in January, President Trump.

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