
Disney Spokesperson Comments On Lawsuit

A New York doctor named Dr. Kanokporn Tangsuan was on vacation at Disney World with her husband, Jeffrey Piccolo. They decided to dine at Raglan Road, an Irish-themed restaurant at Disney Springs, where they were assured that the food would be safe given Tangsuan’s severe dairy and nut allergies. But, according to a lawsuit filed by Piccolo, something went horribly wrong. Despite multiple reassurances from the staff, the food allegedly wasn’t as allergen-free as promised, and tragically, Dr. Tangsuan suffered a fatal allergic reaction shortly after their meal.

Now, Piccolo is seeking justice through a wrongful death lawsuit, claiming that negligence by both Disney and the restaurant led to his wife’s untimely death. He’s asking the court for damages exceeding $50,000, citing the immense emotional pain, suffering, and loss of companionship he’s endured.

Here’s where it gets a bit unusual. Disney initially argued that Piccolo couldn’t sue them in court because years earlier, he had signed up for a Disney+ account. Yes, you heard that right! According to Disney, when Piccolo agreed to the terms and conditions for Disney+ and later used his MyDisney account to purchase EPCOT tickets, he supposedly waived his right to take legal disputes to court, agreeing instead to arbitration—a process where a mediator, not a judge or jury, resolves the dispute.

Understandably, this defense raised some eyebrows. Piccolo’s attorneys called Disney’s argument “preposterous” and “fatally flawed,” arguing that the wrongful death lawsuit was filed on behalf of Dr. Tangsuan’s estate, not Piccolo himself. The notion that a streaming service sign-up could prevent someone from seeking justice in a wrongful death case didn’t sit well with the public either.

Sensing the backlash, Disney has since made a significant pivot. Josh D’Amaro, the Chairman of Disney Experience, announced that Disney would waive its right to arbitration and that there is a need for a swift resolution. This means the case will now proceed in court, allowing a judge or jury to hear the arguments and make a decision.

Disney’s spokesperson also pointed out that Raglan Road, while located on Disney property, isn’t owned or operated by Disney itself, subtly distancing the company from direct responsibility for the tragic incident.

So, what’s next? Disney is formally withdrawing its arbitration claim, and soon, the case will move forward in court. The outcome remains uncertain, but after the outcry, hopefully, Disney will do the right thing and just settle. It’s not even like Piccolo is being greedy, he’s asking for a little over $50,000; he could probably ask for a lot more and get it if he wanted to.

When you read the details of the incident the there was clearly a mistake made that resulted in this horrible accident. Take the loss and move on.

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