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Schumer’s Floors Speech Draws A Lot Of Response

There have been several reports that the Biden Administration is not happy with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Recently, the Israeli government accused Biden’s national security team of trying to “overthrow” Netanyahu.

An unnamed “top Israeli official” issued a statement to the Telegraph:

“Israeli citizens, and not anyone else, elect the prime minister,” the statement said.

“Israel is not a protectorate of the US but an independent and democratic country whose citizens are the ones who choose the government.

“We expect our friends to act to overthrow the terror regime of Hamas and not the elected government in Israel.”

Israeli media did not name the source but the country’s Channel 12 described the statement as coming from “the most senior Israeli political source you can imagine”.

Now, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is now calling on Isreali’s to vote in a new prime minister.

“I believe that holding a new election once the war starts to wind down would give Israelis an opportunity to express their vision for the post-war future,” Schumer said.

The Ambassador of Israel commented on the speech.

The opposition to Bibi in Isreal isn’t happy either.

After the speech, Senator Mitch McConnell spoke up saying, “The primary ‘obstacles to peace’ in Israel’s region are genocidal terrorists and corrupt PA leaders who repeatedly reject peace deals. Foreign observers who cannot keep this straight ought to refrain from interfering in the democracy of a sovereign ally.”

McConnell had a lot more to say and it was posted by Guy Benson.

“This is unprecedented,” the senator said. “We should not treat fellow democracies this way at all.”

Adding: “Things that upset left-wing activists are not a prime minister’s policies – they are Israel’s policies.”

Where has this McConnell been?

You can read more of McConnell’s comments below.

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