
Carville Comments On Fetterman

Over the last few weeks we watch the pressure build as President Biden decided to withdraw from the race.

Multiple reports have revealed that senior Democrats and donors worried placed heavy pressure on Biden to withdraw.

Well, now there is rumblings about a Democrat Senator.

Apparently, Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman is annoying the Democrat establishment.

In a crazy video, Carville said that Fetter is somebody that must be dealt with.

Carville said on his podcast that he will “deal with” Fetterman after the election because he’s mad how Shapiro was treated.

Fetterman had been warning Harris about the Pennsylvania Governor.

“The other thing is, is one of the great backstabbers in modern Democratic politics is John Fetterman, but I’m going to wait ’til after the election to deal with him. But he’s somebody that must be dealt with, and must be dealt with in real terms,” Carville said.

Co-host Al Hunt chimed in to say Fetterman “sandbagged Shapiro,” with Carville agreeing.

“And, of course, the reason he’s in the United States Senate is because of Shapiro,” the Democratic strategist said. “If you look at the Pennsylvania election returns, 2022, and you’ll get the idea of how Josh dragged this guy across the finish line.”


May be Carville is mad that Walz is a total trainwreck and was upset Fetterman spoke his mind.

Meanwhile we haven’t seen Vice President Kamala Harris or Walz sit down for a interview or press conference however on Thursday Trump did.

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