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Trump Autograph Video Is Getting A Lot Of Attention

The left recently has drawn attention to a video recently posted of former President Trump giving an autograph.

If you watch the video below, you’ll note that Trump tells Roseanne that he loves her, and he signs a black case.

“We love you Roseanne. We love you. I’m signing this especially for you, and we love everything you represent. Keep fighting. Thank you,” Trump said.

Could it be a gun case? Sure, but that is unclear.

In fairness to the crybabies, yes, there was also a picture showing Trump holding a handgun magazine that he autographed as well.

Barr later posted on social media that she, “can’t wait for my Trump gun!”

Now leftists are feaking out caliming that what Trump did violated his bond conditions and could be arrested.

Note that no gun was seen in the video and an aid could have removed it from the case. There’s no way to know if there is an actual gun.

But that didn’t stop Newsweek – the same people that pulled the fake news story about Tucker – from reporting that Trump gave Barr a gun.

One of Barr’s family members said that the gun was from a charity auction she took part in.

The left is frothing at the mouth and heaven help Trump if he accidentally jaywalks.

Newsweek recently got themselves is series trouble after they claimed Tucker Carlson had signed a contract with Russian State TV. In reality what really too place was that a Russian TV without permission aired clips of Tucker’s show.

From The Dispatch via Yahoo News:

Newsweek’s claim is false: Representatives for Carlson and the Tucker Carlson Network (TCN) have denied involvement in the broadcasts and Newsweek’s article has since been updated. Rossiya 24 has been publishing dubbed versions of TCN programs since at least September 2, 2023, when it made available a translated version of Carlson’s August 29 interview with Hungarian President Viktor Orbán.

Following its publication, Newsweek’s initial article garnered significant attention, leading to quick denials from Carlson and TCN. A representative for Carlson told The Hill Tuesday evening that, “Any use of our content by that channel is without legal permission,” and TCN CEO Neil Patel rejected that the network had any agreement with Russian state media.

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