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Bush Speaks After Primary Loss

Hello everyone! We’ve got quite the story for you today, so buckle up. Recently, Wesley Bell pulled off a decisive victory over Cori Bush, capturing 51.2% of the vote to Bush’s 45.6%. Now, in most political races, the defeated candidate might offer a gracious concession, thanking their supporters and team for all their hard work.

But that’s not what happened.

After the results came in, Bush’s response was anything but typical. She delivered a speech that was intense, dramatic, and, to put it mildly, over the top. She started by accusing her opponents of only taking off a few strings, declaring repeatedly, “Let’s be clear.” She claimed that the election had radicalized her even more, hinting that her opponents should be wary of her next moves.

She then proclaimed, “They about to see this other Cori, this other side,” and made it clear she had big plans for her future battles. She singled out AIPAC, an influential pro-Israel lobby group, with the bold declaration, “I’m coming to tear your kingdom down!” Her fervor didn’t stop there; she also put various corporations on notice, asserting that she wasn’t alone in her fight but backed by people doing the work with her.

Adding to the dramatic scene, someone in the crowd waved a watermelon sign, a symbol associated with the “Free Palestine” movement, emphasizing Bush’s stance on international issues. Bush also took a shot at Bell, referencing his upcoming trial related to a discrimination lawsuit, insinuating that his win came just before facing serious legal challenges.

Imagine being such a horrible candidate that you lose in a landslide to a guy facing courtroom issues. 

Bush’s tirade didn’t end with attacks on her political opponent. She laid out a challenge for Bell, urging him to engage with Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim communities, calling it his “homework.” Her speech was charged with anger and defiance, suggesting that she believed losing the election had somehow freed her to pursue her goals with even greater vigor.

Now that she’ll be having some time off may be she can hang with Stacy Abrams at the humiliated one off former politicians club.

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