
MSNBC Discusses Rhetoric After Incident

Ah, here we go again. Leave it to MSNBC’s Alex Witt to twist a shooting outside Trump’s golf club into a lecture about toning down ‘Trump’s rhetoric’. Yes, because when bullets are flying, the real question is whether Trump will be the one to beg his supporters to cool it, right?

Witt didn’t waste any time after reports surfaced about shots being fired near Trump’s West Palm Beach golf club. She immediately started speculating about whether Trump’s campaign would call for his supporters to “tone down the violence.” Violence from who, exactly? You know, because it’s always the Trump crowd that’s the problem here. Forget that Trump was the target, again, of yet another assassination attempt. No, no. The real issue is the rhetoric from the former president.

Witt asked, “But do you expect to hear anything from the Trump campaign about toning down the rhetoric? Toning down the violence? Or would that be atypical of the former president?”

This is absolutely astounding and demented. Both shooters in the assassination attempts were Democrats- who spewed violent rhetoric and actions in their past. Shouldn’t the media call for Democrats and their supporters to tone down the violence?

Witt continued her speculative exercise, wondering aloud if Trump would reach out and say, “Let’s take this down.” Because that’s exactly what Trump’s campaign needs to focus on after someone tried to shoot him—lecturing his own supporters. Classic.

Then, of course, MSNBC’s Elise Jordan jumped in to reminisce about the last attempt on Trump’s life during a campaign rally and how there was supposedly a “new tone” back then. Sure, let’s gloss over the fact that Trump has been a target of violence more than once, but yeah, maybe he should take it down a notch because, clearly, this is all his fault, right?

Jordan then threw out the old “both sides of the aisle” line, wondering how we’ve gotten to a point where “violent rhetoric” from both parties has escalated. Really? Because last time I checked, it wasn’t Trump supporters that were caught poking rifle muzzles through fences to take out a political figure.

“How have we gotten to this point when the demonization of the other side…it is no longer politics. It has gotten bigger than that, the calls for violence, the violent rhetoric, and look at what happens. This heated rhetoric can only go so far before. Unfortunately, it has led to violence on both sides of the aisle. So I think it is something that Democrats and Republicans have to be very cognizant about. What can we all do to take the temperature down?” Jordan said.

Let’s be real here: the left-leaning media’s favorite pastime is blaming Trump for any violence, even when it’s aimed at him. They’re so quick to preach about “taking the temperature down” while conveniently forgetting who’s been facing actual assassination attempts—twice now in just a few months. Yet somehow, the takeaway from all of this, according to MSNBC, is that Trump should be the one to tone it down.

Never mind the fact that, after all this, Trump is still standing, defiant as ever. Maybe instead of asking him to “tone it down,” it’s time for the media to stop turning the blame on him and start acknowledging the real threats coming from elsewhere.

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