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Scarborough Comments On NBC Decision

Something unusual happen on MSNBC Monday morning. The show “Morning Joe” was off the air, and it’s stirring up quite a bit of drama behind the scenes.

Following the shocking attempt on former President Trump’s life, the liberal news network decided to pull the show. The network’s decision-makers, Cesar Conde and Rashida Jones, decided to replace all Monday shows with a single news feed. This would air on all platforms, and reports said Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were informed and agreed.

Instead of Joe and Mika, you saw special reporting from Ana Cabrera. And what about the “Today” show? Oh, that went on as planned, as did the rest of MSNBC’s normal programming.

It turns out that Mika and Joe aren’t happy about the unexpected switch, and neither is the show’s production team. They were expecting a uniform feed across all platforms but got something entirely different.

As news about “Morning Joe” being off-air spread, people started asking why. A CNN report suggested there were concerns a guest could make an inappropriate remark about the assassination attempt on Trump. However, this report was denied by a network spokesman. Isn’t there always drama when it comes to TV?

Well, Joe is not happy and said that, “We were very surprised, very disappointed.”

Adding, “next time we’re told there’s going to be a news feed replacing us…they can get somebody else to host the show.”

Apparently, they were told that there would only be one newsfeed across NBC news stations to stay in breaking news mode as the events surrounding the shooting are unpacked. That infuriated Joe.


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