Oh, here we go again. The ever-so-trustworthy, totally unbiased New York Magazine has found itself in the middle of yet another controversy—this time, for allegedly doctoring a photo to make Trump’s 47th inauguration look as whitewashed as their readers probably imagine it to be. The liberal media’s obsession with painting every single Trump event as a gathering of monocultural, monocle-wearing villains has officially reached new levels of absurdity.
In its latest hit piece, New York Magazine ran a story titled Cruel Kids’ Table, which is about as subtle as a hammer to the head. The article takes great pleasure in sneering at attendees of the so-called “Power 30 Awards,” a gathering of young conservatives in D.C. The author, Brock Colyar—whose journalism could best be described as “Diary of a Mad Lib”—does what leftist writers do best: slather on the smug condescension and hope their readers are too busy nodding along to fact-check anything.
Colyar whines that the crowd was overwhelmingly white, brushing aside the actual Black host of the event because acknowledging that might ruin the pre-written narrative. But here’s where things get interesting: Conservative commentator Christopher Barnard noticed that New York Magazine had conveniently cropped Black attendees out of the cover photo. Yes, the same publication wringing its hands about a lack of diversity at the event literally erased Black people from the image to make its own claim seem more believable.
We don’t hate the media enough.
The New York Magazine purposely cropped the picture from the latest young conservatives’ party to only feature whites while the writer complains that “almost everyone is white.”
Meet the writer Brock Colyar, who uses they/them pronouns. pic.twitter.com/ZpspZbCpMq
— I Meme Therefore I Am (@ImMeme0) January 28, 2025
You can’t make this up. A leftist media outlet fabricating reality to fit a predetermined narrative? Shocking. Truly. But of course, the fact that they got caught red-handed is even more hilarious.
Barnard shared the full, unedited image, revealing multiple Black attendees—people who just so happened to disappear in New York Magazine’s version. Conservative influencer CJ Pearson, one of those conveniently erased, called them out for what they were really trying to do: push the same tired, lazy trope that all Trump supporters are part of some racist hive mind. When reality didn’t match the fantasy, they just snipped a few pixels away and hoped no one would notice. Oops.
New York Magazine literally cropped all the black people out of this cover photo and then complained that “the entire room is white” https://t.co/gCatY1lZzG pic.twitter.com/VhoaiJhqg1
— Christopher Barnard (@ChrisBarnardDL) January 27, 2025
And let’s not forget Colyar’s other insightful observations. He paints a scene where Trump supporters are all having fun—gasp!—mingling, networking, and celebrating their political victory. They’re smoking! They’re drinking! They’re flirting! In other words, they’re acting like every other group of young professionals in D.C. at any political function, but because they lean right, this must be something sinister. Imagine the absolute nerve of these people, daring to enjoy themselves after securing another four years of Biden-free governance. Truly despicable.
Such a White Supremacist party you threw, CJ!
Only whites everywhere!@NYMag did some hardcore journalism that night!@washingtonpost got a Pulitzer for lying about Russia collusion – so I see no reason that this writer @BrockColyar shouldn’t win one! https://t.co/VHtTv6FRNL pic.twitter.com/V2qbOl1wP4
— Rob Smith (@robsmithonline) January 28, 2025
The bigger issue here isn’t just that New York Magazine got caught playing Photoshop wizard—it’s that this kind of blatant dishonesty has become standard practice for the legacy media. They don’t report reality; they manufacture it. They don’t uncover the truth; they engineer it. And when they get called out, they either double down or, more likely, pretend it never happened, hoping people will forget by next week.
But unfortunately for them, people are waking up. And no amount of creative cropping is going to change that.