
Community Leaders Discuss Debate

As of the writing of this post, there is all kinds of speculation about what President Biden will do or what his decision will be.

What I can tell you is that we aren’t touching because it changes every 45 minutes.

Sitting here in front of the computer, I’ve watched the headlines change twice. For the record, it’s all coming from the left.

This morning it was “Biden is staying in,” followed by “Biden is considering what to do,” back to “White House denies Biden considering what to do.”

But what we can tell you is that Jill Biden is not going to like what some black churches are saying about Biden.

Some Pastor’s appeared to circle the wagons around Joe:

In the clip below, the pastor compares baseball great Hank Aaron to Joe Biden, stating that we celebrate him for his home runs, not his 1,300 strikeouts. In fairness, if Aaron strikes out, it may cost the team the game, but if Biden strikes out, we fall into a depression.

You know the left always likes to attack patriotic people who are Christians, claiming they are Christian nationalists. Could someone please tell me what the clip below is, then? The pastor is comparing Biden to the Apostle Paul who wrote a significant portion of the New Testament In the Bible.

But perhaps it was this clip that really let the cat out of the bag and is going to have Jill Biden fuming.

“Now you understand its not about Joe Biden. If Joe Biden gets reelected in November, at his age and stage, he probably won’t stay in the presidency for another four years,” the pastor says. “And if he doesn’t, guess who emerges back to the seat of the presidency. Another African-American. And this time, it’s a sister who went to Howard University who’s in AKA [Alpha Kappa Alpha].”

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