
Biden Gives Statement On Sinwar Death

Well, it finally happened. The mastermind behind the October 7 massacre, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, has been taken out by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Sinwar, the so-called “Butcher of Khan Younis” who brutalized his own people, is no more. Justice served, right? But, of course, while some of the world celebrates this long-awaited victory, we’re still dealing with a bitter reality: the hostages haven’t all come home yet, and the grieving families aren’t getting answers fast enough.

President Joe Biden issued a statement confirming the death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar following an Israeli mission in Gaza. Sinwar, responsible for the deaths of thousands, including Israelis, Americans, and citizens of 30 countries, was the mastermind behind the October 7 massacre, which left over 1,200 dead, including 46 Americans. Biden noted that Sinwar’s killing is a major victory for Israel, the U.S., and the world. He emphasized the cooperation between U.S. intelligence and Israeli forces in tracking Hamas leaders. While this marks a significant moment, Biden called for continued efforts to bring hostages home and end the conflict, offering hope for a future without Hamas in Gaza.

Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar

But what’s turning grief into fury isn’t just the loss of loved ones. No, the anger is now directed at the blatant corruption of the U.N.’s relief agency, UNWRA. Turns out, Sinwar wasn’t just a Hamas leader, he was also on UNWRA’s payroll, of all things. Yes, an ID card found on Sinwar’s body showed that this terrorist was working as a teacher for UNWRA. You can’t make this stuff up. The same guy orchestrating a massacre was masquerading as an “educator” under the U.N.’s nose. Or maybe it wasn’t under their nose, but right under their approval. Hard to tell at this point.

And what does the U.N. have to say about all this? Well, if you’re António Guterres, apparently not much. The Secretary-General’s response today was a deafening silence about Sinwar’s death. Instead, his focus was on pushing out more sob stories about Gaza, as if anyone believes he’s losing sleep over the people there. The fact that one of the world’s leading organizations can’t even acknowledge the killing of a mass murderer shows just how far we’ve fallen.

UNWRA, of course, has been under fire since the October 7 atrocities, but let’s not pretend this is new information. The organization has long been accused of being more of a terrorist enabler than a peacekeeper, and the evidence is piling up. Back in 2018, President Trump saw the writing on the wall and cut off funding. But here comes President Biden in 2021, handing the keys back to UNWRA and writing a $422 million check. Since then, what have we gotten? Terrorists teaching in UNWRA schools, stockpiles of weapons stashed in their facilities, and a cozy little tunnel network right under their headquarters. Talk about turning a blind eye.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant dropped a bombshell after the massacre, accusing at least a dozen UNWRA employees of participating in the October 7 massacre. Nine were confirmed, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. A former Israeli hostage even claimed she was held by a UNWRA teacher. You’d think at this point, the U.N. would be scrambling to clean house, but no. The silence from their leadership is deafening.

And it gets worse. Turns out, another Hamas leader recently eliminated by the IDF was also—wait for it—a UNWRA school principal. Seriously? At this point, it seems like UNWRA is more of a Hamas recruitment agency than a humanitarian organization. And the list of horrors just keeps growing.

So what should we, the American taxpayers, do? Demand answers. The fact that the U.S. alone has poured hundreds of millions into this fraud of an organization, all while knowing full well what was going on, is infuriating. Guterres should resign. The U.N. should stop seeing another dime of our money until they can prove they’ve cleaned house and are capable of functioning without being infiltrated by terrorists. Anything less than that is a slap in the face to the American people, Israel, and anyone else who believed the U.N. was there for peace, not politics.

If there’s no accountability and no real consequences for this blatant corruption, then what’s the point? We need decisive action now, not more hand-wringing. Because at this rate, the U.N. is a joke, and UNWRA is just the punchline.

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